Focus on the Wins

Focus on the Wins

Date Posted: 20th Dec, 2020
1 minute read

When debriefing one of the experiential learning activities we had with one of our clients, I was reminded of a simple truth. The “sun” can be our ally. I asked the winning team how they were able to get the activity done quickly.

One of the surprising answers was: "unfortunately we were in the sun, it was uncomfortable and so we just focused on getting it done and getting out of the sun".

To be honest, I felt sorry that they had to stand in the sun while other teams enjoyed the cool shade. This was not part of the activity design.

Now we know that, “heat” can bring out the best in us. So lead don’t despise the heat, look for the positives and the growth that can come out of the "heat".  For example, the COVID 19 pandemic exposed us to the “sun”

Focus on the wins and let that spur you on. Every cloud has a silver lining.

