The 3A’s for Achieving Big Goals

The 3A’s for Achieving Big Goals

Date Posted: 20th Jan, 2022
1 minute read

Each brand new year, you write down a couple of New Year Resolutions. And I believe you make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound] or BHAG (Big, Hairy and Audacious Goals) or both. In setting your goals, you need to Articulate the benefits; this will keep you focused and motivated when you feel like giving up. Anticipate the barriers; events happen but rarely should they be the excuse for our lack of progress. And Act on the basic ideas implement immediately; consider the tortoise, it only makes progress by sticking its neck out


Robert Marshall Bennin, CFA, CPTD, FIoD

(Founder & Chief Learning Strategist, TEMPLE Advisory Limited)